Hold the Vision, Trust the Process…….
Present & Core Focus
Susheela Group’s core vision has been to provide reliable, innovative and Value-for -Money products &solutions, with passion for people and attention to customer. We manufacture & market feed ingredients in order to avoid a rapid depletion of our natural resources, to meet the rising demand for animal proteins, Vegetable proteins & other value-added products thus fulfilling the ever-growing need of safe & high-quality ingredientrequirement in different animal feed segment meeting their desired nutrition requirement at optimized costs.
Vision to the Future
The group envision to venture in to Food Business in terms of trading, processing & marketing.

Change is theonly Constant, Stop at Nothing……
MISSION 25-25 with key focus on our vision Susheela Group endeavours to become a 25 Million USD group by Year 2025.Our performance measures in our journey is engaged employees, satisfied customers, enriched & happy communities, Environment protection &safety and profitable growth.